Olotu Global Touch foundation

Creating a world where everyone has equal right to living and achieving dreams no matter the class, status, race, colour and sex.

$ 1

could provide tutoring for a child for a term.

$ 0

could provide a meal for 10 children.

$ 0

could provide shelter for widow

Action Against poverty and inequality

We Are World Wide Organization

The Olotu Global Foundation is a non-profit foundation ministering to the needs of the less privileged, Orphans, disable, widows, school drop out and vulnerable children.

We have provided accommodation for widows and less privileged children in different areas of life since 2019.

Our mission statement

Our promises

We promise our supporters that we will:

We promise our partners that we will:

Recent Projects

House Strengthening Project

Funding Proposal

Human Development

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals around the world.


we are committed to financial transparency and responsibility.

At Olotu Global Touch Foundation we ensure that every contribution is responsibly distributed to our partners and programs at hand. We value your love and trust as a donor and we are committed to financial transparency and accountability. Our doors are always open to discuss the financial accountability operation of the Olotu Global Touch Foundation.

We Need Donations

Friends and family of Olotu Global Touch Foundation are committed to giving every child a childhood; a widow's better life etc; become a partner through monthly donations, weekly, or give a friendship gift to someone special, food items, materials, etc.
$1,200 Raised so far $5,000 Our Goal

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Donation Total: $100